
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How to Subscribe to a Blog

Some people have emailed asking how I subscribe to a blog so I thought I would post some instructions. Here is how I go about subscribing to the blogs that I want to keep up with. Excuse the hello kitty banner. Although, I work with computers all day, I made my husband set up my new laptop and he thought it was cute to have hello kitty at the top. What am I 10? I guess I am because I think its cute so I have left it (that and because I don't have time to research how to change it). Okay, back to the instructions...

Scroll down to the bottom of the post and click POSTS (Atom).

Next, choose the reader (place where you will access all the posts). I have a gmail account so I like to read using the Google reader. I can access all my blogs right from my email account.

After you choose your reader, select the Subscribe Now button.

You should be directed to another screen confirming your subscription. Click the Subscribe button.

You are now subscribed and can read all your favorite blogs.

Here is the Reader tab that I press to access all the blogs I read.

The left column under Subscriptions lists the blog postings that are unread, making it very easy to see what you have missed.

There you have it. Your favorite blogs right at your finger tips. The process of subscribing is easy peesy.

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