
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lego Day at Toys R Us

This past weekend, we went to Toys R Us Family Lego Creation Day. The kids got to play the new Lego Creationary Board game.

A group of kids were given a picture which they needed to recreate using Legos.

There was one kid who had to guess what the other kids created. J. volunteered to be the guesser.

After the item has been guessed correctly, the kids got to build a creation of their own to take with them! It's like the Lego Store Mini-Build Day. They absolutely loved it.

Here are the results. Yay!

Two more weeks until Lego Mini-Build Day. The kids are looking forward to that one. If you have kids like mine who loves Legos, on the first Tuesday of every month, the Lego Store offers kids to come and build a monthly creation of their own. My kids look forward to it every month.

It usually correlates with the theme of the month. Last year, we built an American flag in July. This year it is this watermelon. As Rachel Ray says, "YUM- MO!"

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