
Friday, August 6, 2010

Towel Hooks

We have a pretty large family so we use up a number of towels whenever we go swimming. I've been looking for a way to hang our towels up whenever we take a dip into the pool. While I was shopping the other day, I found the perfect solution.

The dollar section at target has these door hooks for only $2.50. They are perfect.

I can hang up all my boys' robes and towels without having a jumbo mess everywhere.

I especially love the pop of color on our black gate. What do you think?


  1. Great idea. Usually people just toss the towel to dry over a fence or chair or whatever. This is cute and a great idea!

  2. I saw those at Target. Didn't think to use them to hang swim towels though. But then again, I don't have a fence close by to hang the hooks on...or even anything that would work to hang them on. Looks great on your fence though!
