
Friday, April 13, 2012

Sliding Doors

Phase 1 of the club house is complete! I finished it before A.'s birthday as promised.

I added the last pieces of the sides. It was unfinished last week.

I also added shutters that close and


I then built a sliding door for the club house to act as shade in the afternoon. Without the door, the afternoon Southern sun made it incredibly hot.

I had to build out the top and bottom of the clubhouse for an even surface for the sliding door.

I was going to route out a groove, but found lattice fence edge pieces that were perfect. I used a piece of luan that I had left over in from my board and battan project and I finished the edges with 1" x 1" cedar pieces.

It slides perfectly. I sprayed the other side of the sliding door with chalkboard paint.

I know what you are thinking, another chalk board? We had sharing issues with the smaller board so now there is plenty space for all the kids. I also like the black color against the dark wood. It breaks up all that brown.

The last thing I decided to add was a little shelf to store the chalk and extra pillows.

In phase 2, I plan on making some curtains for that window. I may or may not close out the triangle windows at the top with working shutters.

Phase 2 will also consist of building the first floor of the club house. It will have to wait.. I've been working on this project for four weekends straight and need a little time off. I have many other outside projects to work on, but it may rain so we'll see what this weekend holds.

Looking at what I started with, I've come a long way,

but there is still more to go.

The kids have been living outside from the moment they get home from school so it has definitely been worth it.

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