I've been rather busy lately. If you haven't noticed, my posts have been far and few from my normal 3+ posts I used to have. I promise I will be back during the summer. My mind is going crazy thinking about all the projects I want to do. In the meanwhile, here's a simple project that my sister asked me to make her. For her birthday, she wanted a new camera strap. The stipulations were I couldn't buy it, yellow was the preferred color, and it needed to be girlie and pretty.
Here is what I came up with:

It's definitely home made, yellow, girlie, and hopefully its pretty as well. What do you think?
Of course this is me so making one camera strap cover as a birthday gift just wouldn't do. Therefore, I made THREE. Here's how I did it. My original plan was to make a camera strap so I bought the materials which included the fabric, vinyl and strap.
I, of course, could not find the little strap that ties to the camera so with lack of time, I decided to make a camera strap cover instead. I was very bummed and I still hope to make a strap one of these days when I have more time.
First I measured my own camera strap (she has the same camera) with the fabric, making it a little more than twice the width and an inch longer in length.
Next, I sewed any embellishments onto the fabric including lace and ruffles.
I hemmed the edges of the fabric and then folded the fabric right sides together and sewed along the length of the fabric.
I flipped the fabric inside out and voila, a new cover for your camera strap. Easy peesy.

For this particular strap cover, I made a the top ruffle by first sewing a tube, flipping it inside out and pleating the fabric as I sewed it onto the strap.

The flower was made with the extra piece I made for the ruffle. After making the tube, I swirled it into circles, shaping the top to form a flower. I used a safety pin to adhere it to the strap so that it could be removed and interchanged between the different straps.

The bow is made by sewing a small pillow case, flipping it around and hand sewing the opening. I used a smaller piece of fabric to bind the center, forming a bow.
All the bows and flowers are removable and can be swapped around which makes it so much fun.
Which one is your favorite?

My favorite is the turquoise corduroy ruffly one. It's too bad I gave it away. I guess I'll have to make myself another one.
I certainly hope she likes one of her birthday gifts.
Happy Birthday Lil Sis!