Happy Birthday E!

Today is E.'s 7th birthday. I cannot believe how time has flown by. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful son. We threw E. a birthday party this past weekend. He had such a blast celebrating this special day with all his friends. He was so grateful for the party that when asked what he wanted for his birthday, he responded (like he does each year), "I don't need anything. I have enough." I was hoping this year would be different, but nope, he was satisfied with receiving absolutely nothing. Most kids would run and open all their gifts immediately, but not E., he didn't even bother opening them until Sunday evening (more than 24 hours after the party) and only because all his brothers were nagging him. That is E., selfless and not ever having a want for anything.
Happy Birthday my son. I hope you have a fabulous birthday! You are truly one of the lights of my life and I cannot express how much I love you forever and ever...to the moon and back.
Happy Birthday my son. I hope you have a fabulous birthday! You are truly one of the lights of my life and I cannot express how much I love you forever and ever...to the moon and back.
My daughter and I just love E. Such a great kid!