I came upon a popover recipe one day, but it required a popover pan. I called my sister, very excitedly, hoping she would have the pan, but no luck, she didn't have one. Low and behold a few weeks later I came across a popover pan right in the end cap of an aisle at Target. I wasn't looking for it, but it was waiting for me nonetheless. I couldn't resist so I bought it and was making popovers that evening.
Petite Popovers
4 large eggs
1 1/4 cups milk
1 1/4 cups flour
1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
3/4 tsp salt
Preheat oven 400F. Grease pan; set aside. In medium bowl, beat together all the ingredients. Using half the batter, fill each well 2/3 full. Bake for 20-23 minutes, until golden brown. Remove popovers from the pan. Repeat filling and baking procedure with remaining batter.
I bought the petite popover pan and hence the petite popover recipe. A couple of weeks ago, I found the regular sized popover pan for half off at Target so I bought that one too! I couldn't resist the red clearance sticker. I haven't made regular sized popovers just yet. I'm a little scared how big they will be. Look at the picture of the petite popovers baking in the oven.

They are huge!
They do deflate so maybe making bigger ones won't be that much bigger :) E. absolutely loved them and ate them for dinner. Yes, that was all he ate that evening.
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