My husband decided to take the boys to a basketball game last week. He's taken my oldest many times, but this time E. and R. sparked an interest in going. The very last minute, R. decided he would rather stay home so E. invited his friend to come along (I wasn't invited).
Before going, I told my husband to take pictures because it was E.'s first basketball game.
Before going, I told my husband to take pictures because it was E.'s first basketball game.
He came up with these. I guess I can't complain too much.
I didn't complain UNTIL I found out that E. was selected to go meet ALL the players!!!! Did my husband go take pictures of him high-fiving the team???? Of course not. He failed to capture a once in a life time opportunity. I'm not bitter or anything, can you tell?
Sure, all the bitterness was erased when E. told me he had such a great time and that he wanted to go to another game. My hubby managed to convert my non-sports fanatic son into a basketball lover.
He wasn't even a basketball lover after playing it for two seasons.
Here he is making the final shot on the final game.
He scores!
The bar of this experience has been set high sitting only 8 rows back from the floor and being able to meet the players. It was indeed a once in a life time opportunity. I'm glad the boys got to bond. I suppose, not being invited wasn't all that bad. ;)

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