This year, E. wanted to go to the beach for his birthday. He's been wanting to go for some time, but since we don't live near the ocean, it wasn't as easy a gift to deliver as we wanted. We decided to take the kiddos to the beach during the fourth of July week.

Needless to say, it was a huge success. As a kid, we went to the beach pretty often. We went hunting for clams, fishing for crabs and practically lived at the beach every summer.
That however isn't the case for my kids, they got to see waves for the very first time last week. They loved it so much, they didn't want to leave.

A. especially loved the water. If we didn't physically hold him back, he would have swam as far out as his little legs could carry him.
Here he is posing for a picture like he always does.
As much as we swam, there was also a lot of digging.
Here's the kiddos creation.

And what did we do with the hole we left?
We buried R. It was meant for my hubby, but R. jumped in and asked to be buried.
After all that digging, we snacked and watched the birds watch us eat.
We shared
and shared.
More kids jumped in to share their lunch.
Birds were everywhere and were only finger tips away.
When I jumped in to watch over my little ones
I got attacked!
We had a wonderful vacation. The kiddos are already wanting to go again so again we shall. Hopefully, I won't get attacked next time. ;)

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