I started asking my kiddos what they wanted to be for Halloween back in September. No answer. I gave them suggestions such as the chipmunks, ninjas, wizard of oz characters, etc. I thought it would be cute to be a set of 3 again, but it was a no go. This is what they came up with 20 minutes before we headed out for trick or treating. I was a little stressed out trying to put everything together last minute.
Out of our costume closet, the kiddos chose to be Mario, Harry Potter and a Pirate. R. wanted to be the same thing as last year.
Since, A. lost the mustache a few days earlier playing around, I drew a mustache on R. with some mascara.
A. loves swords. I suggested a knight, but he vetoed that and said he'd rather be a pirate.
We couldn't find his sword last minute so he went without it which I am happy about since it would be me who would be holding the sword the entire evening.
E. decided he wanted to be Harry Potter. I got the cloak and glasses for J. 10 years ago. I scrambled last minute to find a shirt, slacks and tie for E. I did have a gray vest to complete the ensemble, but it was too hot to wear so we went without it.
He completes his look with a tattoo on his forehead (thank goodness those tattoos still work after 10 years) and a lighted Harry Potter wand he got last year for Christmas. I'm glad we went with that wand verses the one that came with the costume because it was an additional light source in the evening.
Who says you have to spend money on Halloween? I think I spent $12 on all the kids last year and this year we spent nothing, but still had a whole lot of fun. That should prove to my hubby that me being a pack rat isn't all that bad. We'll always have great last minute costumes without spending a dime which is a great thing in my book.
I hope everyone had a great Halloween, we certainly did.
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