We usually only take the kids to the movies once or twice a year. I remember when I was younger, prices were only $3.25 for the first showing. Nowadays, prices have basically sky-rocketed unless you take advantage of going to the first showing.
We decided that we would take the kids to see Toy Story 3 because we all wanted to see it. I scored 2 free tickets when I re-bought Toy Story 1 and 2. In hindsight, we should have bought more. The movies were only $7.00 each with a free ticket. Not bad, when the ticket prices this weekend were $13.00 a ticket.
As I was grocery shopping last week, I discovered an offer from Kellogg's. You can cash in on free tickets to Toy Story 3 with purchases of cereal. I went online and printed out coupons for cereal and then went shopping at Target which had a cereal sale. We scored free tickets for all eight of us (my sister and fiance wanted to join us in on all the fun)!
Here is what our movie vouchers looked liked.

We took the kids to the IMAX to see it bigger and in 3D. At $13.00, we would have paid $104 for all 8 of us to watch the movie plus an additional amount for food. Since we would have paid for the tickets anyway, we ended up getting nearly 40 boxes of cereal for basically free (of course, 12 belonged to my sister and fiance). Am I crazy to even convince others to join in on my cereal madness? I don't think so. With all my cereal coupons, the purchase price of all the cereal was still less than half of the total ticket price AND I got cereal to boot. That to me, is a great deal. We would have purchased the cereal anyway (maybe not that much at one time, but with 4 boys, they will be gone in no time). Plus, I had enough points to redeem for free food vouchers at the theater!

Free movies, free food. Can it get any better? E. in his 3-d glasses before the movie started. For the first time ever, every kid, stayed in their seats glued to the screen. Everyone absolutely LOVED the movie. Can't wait until it comes out on DVD. It is definitely a movie worth adding to our collection.