I love making things with my kids so to celebrate October, I thought I would make some spider cakes that are completely edible. I know the majority of spiders have 8 eyes, but to my defense there are certain spiders that only have 2 (at least that is what yahoo said when I looked it up and yes I looked it up). Also, I think 2 eyes look much cuter than 8, so I stuck with only 2.

I bought a few things that I thought I'd try to experiment on. I've used Moon Pies and Ding Dongs making owls before so I figured it would work here as well.
Pocky sticks were great for spider legs. I often find them in the Asian grocery store and I dreaded making the drive out there to buy some, but to my delight, I found them at the local Wally Mart (in the Asian aisle). My trip to buy some milk was a double success.
To make the legs, cut the poky sticks at an angle and dip into melted chocolate. I just melted some chocolate chips. I connected the sticks at an angle and let it dry on a piece of parchment paper.
I stuck it into the cake and added edible candy eyes. It was that simple.
It looks more cute than creepy.
They do look like little crabs, don't they? That gives a great idea for summer.
My kids did not have trouble dissecting these spiders as they scarfed them down.
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