Do you like my new shades?
I've had 20/15 for the past 10 years, thanks to Lasik. That, however has now all come to an end as my astigmatism is back, causing me to see 20/25. I know, not that big of a deal, right, but when I sit at the computer all day to do my work, I start to notice the little variance. Therefore, I now have a prescription. I took E. into the doctor's office to get his eyes checked out and low and behold, he also has 20/25 so he will also have to wear glasses. Pretty soon everyone will be wearing glasses in my family.
After not really loving my eyeglass frames I chose, I decided to splurge and get some prescription sunglasses that I fell in love with. Alas, I'll have to wait a week before I can sport the new look. I can't wait to get them.
I'm working on a few projects during this week so I hope to post them up soon. Sorry for the lack of creativity going on in this blog. I'm working on it. :)
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