The kids absolutely loved it.

A. is wearing two different outfits because the kids loved going so much, we decided to take them again the following day. He's completely into his rain boots right now.


Tripod, timer, waiting for bikers to pass by, and a lot of bribery got me family pics. I forgot my remote so it was a lot of me running back and forth for these shots.
I was exhausted after this shot. Enough running for me. Who needs a photographer? I can shoot my own pics and get a great work out at the same time!

It's a wrap. The sun is almost gone, and the weather is getting chilly.

Just one final shot of the my hubby and I. I thought the pictures turned out great for an impromptu photo shoot. Oh, and if you want to know what I bribed the kids with. I hinted that it would be a great early birthday present for me and that we'd go to their favorite restaurant for dinner. Win win for all. These were only some of the pics. There were so much more. Great day with the ducks, gave great pictures, making it a great birthday gift. I couldn't have asked for anything better.

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