Kids, in general really do say the darnedest things. A lot of the things that my kids say directly come from my actions which make it more funny. Everyone of my kids know that I clip coupons. If I seek out to buy a particular item ahead of time, I generally am able to find some sort of coupon or deal for it.
In the summer, I found a great deal for free chocolate. Each time we went to Target, which was pretty often, we would pick up a free bar of chocolate. E. asked how much it cost and I said it was free. He asked me how that was possible. I told him that I had a coupon and each time I bought another bar of chocolate, another coupon would print out so we were constantly getting free chocolate. I told him that coupons are great because it could save a lot of money and sometimes even get you things for free. His response was, "Mom, can you look up and see if we can get some video game coupons so they can be free?"
Speaking of free, I asked all the kids what they wanted for Christmas and R. told me that he really wanted a 3ds. E. overheard this and replied, "No, don't ask Mom and Dad for that. If you ask Santa to bring it, it will be FREE. Mom will be happy about that." Can't you tell E. is truly my son?
During Christmas, Santa was pretty generous this year (seeing how everything was free). After all the gifts were opened, R. later says, "Mom, Santa brought me a lot of gifts. What did you bring me?" Next year, Santa will be bringing less and Mom and Dad will be getting more credit.
On the flip side to that story, E. responds to R. saying, "Christmas isn't really about getting gifts, it's really about giving." It's nice to know that they do listen to some of the things I say (well, some of them).
We took the kids to McDonald's one day and I tell Mr. N, "ooh, I can use my coupon." Yes, it's another coupon related story. E. asks, "What coupon do you have today?" and takes a look at it and says, "A coupon for free fries! I love fries, but I love them even MORE when they are free!"
Lately, R.'s been asking a lot of "how much is this" type questions. He asked Dad, "How much does this house cost?" Mr. N. responds, "how much do you think it costs?" "Hmmm...I think it costs a hundred dollars," he says. "Homes cost thousands of dollars, R." His response, "Mom's going to have to give me more for my allowance if I want to save for my own house."
A. always says he loves his mommy more. Its just a silly game he plays because he knows it irks his dad. A. asks me to get him a cup of milk one day and I tell him to go and ask his father. Mr. N. says, "who do you love more, Mom or Dad?" (knowing he always says Mom). "I love Mommy more, " A. says. Mr. N. responds, "Well then, I guess you can get your Mom to make your milk." "..but Mom told me to ask you," A. says. I enter the room and hear Mr. N. say, "If you want me to make you milk, you have to love me more." I'm now interested to see what A. does so he looks at me, then looks at his father and says, "I love you both." Mr. N. says, "Nope, not good enough." "Umm...I love you more Dad," he says as he looks at his father, but he quickly looks at me, covers the side of his mouth and whispers, "Mom, I really do love you more." He turns to his Dad who wasn't supposed to hear that and says, "Can I have my milk now?"
Those are my kids. Gotta love them. :)

In the summer, I found a great deal for free chocolate. Each time we went to Target, which was pretty often, we would pick up a free bar of chocolate. E. asked how much it cost and I said it was free. He asked me how that was possible. I told him that I had a coupon and each time I bought another bar of chocolate, another coupon would print out so we were constantly getting free chocolate. I told him that coupons are great because it could save a lot of money and sometimes even get you things for free. His response was, "Mom, can you look up and see if we can get some video game coupons so they can be free?"
Speaking of free, I asked all the kids what they wanted for Christmas and R. told me that he really wanted a 3ds. E. overheard this and replied, "No, don't ask Mom and Dad for that. If you ask Santa to bring it, it will be FREE. Mom will be happy about that." Can't you tell E. is truly my son?
During Christmas, Santa was pretty generous this year (seeing how everything was free). After all the gifts were opened, R. later says, "Mom, Santa brought me a lot of gifts. What did you bring me?" Next year, Santa will be bringing less and Mom and Dad will be getting more credit.
On the flip side to that story, E. responds to R. saying, "Christmas isn't really about getting gifts, it's really about giving." It's nice to know that they do listen to some of the things I say (well, some of them).
We took the kids to McDonald's one day and I tell Mr. N, "ooh, I can use my coupon." Yes, it's another coupon related story. E. asks, "What coupon do you have today?" and takes a look at it and says, "A coupon for free fries! I love fries, but I love them even MORE when they are free!"
Lately, R.'s been asking a lot of "how much is this" type questions. He asked Dad, "How much does this house cost?" Mr. N. responds, "how much do you think it costs?" "Hmmm...I think it costs a hundred dollars," he says. "Homes cost thousands of dollars, R." His response, "Mom's going to have to give me more for my allowance if I want to save for my own house."
A. always says he loves his mommy more. Its just a silly game he plays because he knows it irks his dad. A. asks me to get him a cup of milk one day and I tell him to go and ask his father. Mr. N. says, "who do you love more, Mom or Dad?" (knowing he always says Mom). "I love Mommy more, " A. says. Mr. N. responds, "Well then, I guess you can get your Mom to make your milk." "..but Mom told me to ask you," A. says. I enter the room and hear Mr. N. say, "If you want me to make you milk, you have to love me more." I'm now interested to see what A. does so he looks at me, then looks at his father and says, "I love you both." Mr. N. says, "Nope, not good enough." "Umm...I love you more Dad," he says as he looks at his father, but he quickly looks at me, covers the side of his mouth and whispers, "Mom, I really do love you more." He turns to his Dad who wasn't supposed to hear that and says, "Can I have my milk now?"
Those are my kids. Gotta love them. :)

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